The booking fee is a fee you (the Provider) pay when your quote is accepted by a Customer. 

Why does charge a booking fee?

There are costs involved with running the Truckit marketplace so we must charge a booking fee to maintain and improve the marketplace for all. 

The booking fee is used to cover costs associated with building and maintaining the technological infrastructure that enables: job alerts & tracking, billing and payment collection & payout. It also covers the costs associated with the generation of job leads and the marketing of Providers' businesses to these potential Customers. 

How is the booking fee calculated?

The booking fee is capped at 15% of the Total Quote Amount and works on a dynamic sliding scale based on the value of your quote and the category of freight. The higher the quote value, the lower the percentage. 

How can I tell what my booking fee is?

When placing a quote on a job, you will see two boxes in the quote form: 'Total Quote Amount' and 'Provider's Amount'. Simply enter a value in the Total Quote Amount box and the Provider Quote Amount will populate automatically and vice versa. The difference between the two values is the booking fee and can vary by job value, category and other factors. 

For your quotes that have already been accepted you can find the value of your booking fee by going to Account Settings>My Financials and viewing the table and downloading the invoice there.

How do I pay the booking fee?

The booking fee is only charged once your quote has been accepted. 

If your quote is using payment terms 'Truckit Pay', the booking fee will be automatically deducted from the payment released to you upon confirmed delivery of the job.

How is the booking fee related to tax/GST? is registered to pay GST, so our booking fee includes a percentage of GST in line with Australian laws.