When you Proceed to Accept a quote on Truckit you will see a variety of payment methods to pay for and secure your booking. One of these options is 'Bank Transfer via PayID' a fast, secure and easy to use payment option. To pay with PayID simply select the option on the checkout page and click 'Confirm Payment Method' (shown below).

Once you click Confirm Payment Method you will be shown the payment instructions on screen and also sent them in an email. You will see an example of the payment instructions both pictured and written below:

Example Payment Instructions

How to make a Payment via PayID

Paying by bank transfer is simply, as 

  1. Open your online banking or mobile banking app.
  2. Select the option 'Pay Anyone' which could also be labelled 'Pay to an Email Address' or 'Pay to a PayID'
  3. Then send the exact amount listed on your booking page to Truckit's PayID, which is: payments@truckit.net
  4. Enter the description

If you are having trouble making the payment, Osko themselves have a handy guide which allows you to search for your bank or financial institution and gives you specific instructions. While majority of larger banks have adopted Osko/PayID, please note that it is not available with all banks and financial institutions. If this is the case with your bank then you will have to consider one of the other payment options.

Read the Osko bank by bank guide here.