What is a chargeback?

A chargeback occurs when your customer contacts their bank or credit card company to dispute the charge for an order that they placed for your services.  Chargebacks are also known as "charge disputes" and reversals, and they can be filed for a variety of reasons, including unauthorized use of the credit card.  Common reasons for disputes include:

  • The card holder did not receive the product or service.
  • The card holder feels that the product or service was defective, damaged, or not as described.
  • The card holder's credit card was stolen or used without their consent.

As Truckit Pay is a payment system which holds your payment on your behalf, transport providers are liable for the chargeback which includes the full freight cost and may include a chargeback fee.  It is therefore important to protect yourself from chargebacks and reduce the likelihood that they occur.

Consider the following tips for preventing disputes and protecting your business:

  • Provide as much detail as possible about your services in your quotes
  • If your customer service policy prohibits refunds or is otherwise unsatisfactory to buyers, you may receive more chargebacks than average. Therefore, we recommend reviewing your customer service and business practices for opportunities to resolve customer disputes in a manner that meets both the needs of the customer and your business.
  • Provide easy access to customer service. Ensure customer service contact information is visible so customers can contact you with questions or concerns. Always respond to customer contacts as quickly as possible.
  • We strongly encourage you to keep records of the date on which you have provided a service and any documents associated with the carrying out of this service.
  • Retain a copy of any communication that you had with your customer regarding disputes.
  • Provide great service including communication if things go wrong or change.  IE delays, damages, change of plan.
  • Obtain and keep records about the identity of your customer if you are suspicious of the transaction
  • Proof of collection and delivery and that the service has been provided
  • Phone the customer and ask them some more security questions before arranging the freight if you have any concerns
  • Collecting and Delivering items from physical people and asking for ID as part of your checks

What to do if you have goods in possession when a chargeback comes through?

  • Contact Truckit support staff immediately
  • Do not release goods 
  • Do not attempt to cancel or refund the Job