Offer Truckit Pay to your customers

Truckit's secure payment option Truckit Pay gives customers increased trust and is proven to increase the booking rate, simply add your payout method in Account Settings and select "Truckit Pay' as your payment terms when quoting.

Complete your Profile

Including detailed information on your Provider Profile will show customers that you are serious about business and will give them the confidence to choose your services when they are comparing quotes.

State your Terms and Conditions

Stating your Terms and Conditions in your 'About Us' section, as well as in your Quote Terms makes your business transparent to customers, making customers clear on what they are paying for and the service you provide. This can help improve your feedback which in turn leads to more jobs.

Give and Follow Up on Feedback

Everyone likes to hear about a job well done and customers like to know they were easy to deal with as well. By leaving feedback on customers and politely requesting they return the favour, you can build yourself a valuable reputation that helps you win more jobs in the future.


This is really the most important skill for our Providers and is often the difference between good and great Providers. Communication starts with your Quotes, being clear but concise in your quote terms. Answer any questions the customer has when comparing quotes and always keep the Customer informed about their delivery once the job is booked. Most Customers can handle some small delays if they are  afforded prompt, polite communication.

Just starting out? See our article on Winning your First Job