Truckit Pay is a secure payment method offered via TruckIt that ensures the money you pay for a job remains secure until your item(s) are delivered.

How does it work?

  1. Accept a quote with Truckit Pay - Pay via Card or Bank Transfer with PayID
  2. The payment is then secured in a holding account
  3. Your Provider completes the job and marks it as delivered
  4. You are prompted by email and SMS to confirm the delivery
  5. Once confirmed the payment is released to your Provider

You will have 72 hours to login to and confirm the job has been delivered by clicking Mark as Complete on your listing page. As soon as you mark the job as complete, or if 72 hours passes since the job was marked as delivered (whichever comes first), the payment will be released to the transport Provider's nominated bank account.

What are the benefits?

You have peace of mind knowing that your transport provider will not receive payment until the goods are delivered. 

What TruckIt Pay does not cover

Truckit Pay does not protect Customers/Buyers against damages to their items. Truckit Pay payments cannot be withheld from Providers in cases such as disputes over damages. To protect against damages, we do offer insurance from our insurance partner (NTI) for most items. Alternatively your transport provider may have their own warranty or insurance process, however TruckIt does not verify providers insurance so please do your own due dilligence.