What is Job Alerts?

Job Alerts is a new feature developed by Truckit which aims to find better matches between freight and Providers and make searching for jobs easier for you. Put simply, the Job Alerts interface is like a condensed 'Search For Jobs' page, with jobs much more targeted to you. You will find job alerts in the menu in the top right hand corner of your page (make sure you are logged in).

Why should you use Job Alerts?

Browse Jobs in a quick and easy format

The Job Alerts interface displays a table of suggested jobs and their relevant job details. It has been designed for easy browsing, allowing you to determine whether there are jobs you would like to quote or keep watch on. With limited scrolling you will be able to see a range of information like customer type, job description, collection and delivery locations and date listed.

More relevant jobs. Less wasted time

Job Alerts are specifically tailored to you, meaning no two Providers will ever see the same list of Job Alerts. When a new job is posted, Truckit's freight matching algorithm looks at all the details of job and then scans our entire network of Providers to find a match, all within a matter of seconds. We rank the top Providers whose freight details relate to the job and then add the job to their Job Alerts page. 

Know when users are online or offline

The job alert interface includes an 'Online' column, which shows you when customers are online (green), away (yellow) or offline (grey). Providers and Customers can also now see when each other are online in the message section of a job listing. These improvements aim to enhance communication between users as clear and regular communication is key to providing a great service. 

How to get the most out of Job Alerts

Your list of Job Alerts is curated by our smart freight-matching algorithm which looks at your profile, saved searches; and your quote and job history to suggest jobs you may be interested in. To help make the system smarter and ensure future suggestions are the most relevant you should try to:

  • Keep your Saved Searches, Vehicle Types, Address and Categories Serviced up to date.
  • 'Remove' jobs in your Job Alerts that are not relevant or don't interest you.
  • Look for customers that are online and send them quotes and messages first.

Job Alerts can be found in your menu  or you can Click here to go to your Job Alerts page